Friday, February 26, 2010
Black History : Inventiond && Such
-Worked for NASA and discovered for detecting bacteria in blood, food, and water.
2. Pencil Sharpener - John L. Love
Fire Extinguisher - Tom J. Marshall
Lock - W. A. Martin
Light Detection Instrument - Emmett W. Chapelle
3. Mark Dean - Invented something that allows the computers to have disk-drives, speakers, and all those other little holes in the computer that allows you to plug things in. I think that is very important for the simple fact that it makes things and computers a whole lot easier for us.
Friday, February 19, 2010
. . .Pangaea. . .
~ AFter looking at the pictures of Rodinia and Pangaea you can clearly see the difference. In Panaea everything is together to make one big super continent. In Rodinia they are close together but they aren't all together.
2. When did the tectonic plates appear to move the fastest? (biggest difference between two consecutive maps
~ The biggest difference after looking at the maps were between 080 and 150.
3. Look at Pangaea (250 million years ago). If the continents looked like Pangaea today, what would the world be like? Think about governments, sports teams and leagues, and other aspects of life.
~ If the continents were together like they were now then I think things would be worst. There would be many wars of people trying to fight over land. It isnt like the people would be able to just go to another country because really there wouldnt be another one. Or things could just go how there are now. But instead of being like different countries they could act as countries.
4. Look at Pangaea. If you could pick any place in Pangaea to start a modern civilization, where would you pick? Why? (there is a key on the bottom of the page that explains what the little letters in the maps stand for. For example, "ar" means Arabia.)
~ I would choose Siberian Craton. I would choose this place to live because even through the whole Pangaea process that place stay seperated from the super continent. And I would kind of like the seclusion from everyone else.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
-TuaTona gold mine in Africa, 3.6 Km deep.
How deep would you have to dig to reach the mantle??
-35 Km
3. Let's pretend that you and your friends tried to dig a hole in your backyard to find a shortcut to China. The thing is, you guys had special suits that could withstand extreme temperatures, so you would not die. If you were somehow able to reach the mantle, what would it look like? What kinds of things would you see? How about the outer core? Inner core? What would it look like as you approached the surface (the crust) on the other side?
- When we reached the mantle it would just be like a bunch of hard rock. Good things that we brought our Machetes and Hammers. So we would bang into the rock until we had finally passed through. So we would see little glow in the dark bugs, long glowing red snakes, and these huge huge bones. Dinosaurs maybe?