Friday, April 30, 2010

.(Let's Planet Extra).

1. 4 Ways To Detect Planet
- Radial Velocity
- Astrometry
- Transit Method
- Optical Detection

2. The one ways that make the most sense would be astrometry. Just by one movement you can know a planets mass and its orbit.

3. The Goldilocks Zone is just saying that the planet is ""Just Right"" from the distance of the homestar.

4. If Gilese 581c has life I think that it would look something like mermaid and merman. Then they would be like fish and have whale calls but they would hav like blue eyes. Yes they would be very intelligent unless their water was polluted then they would have deffects to the brain.

5. Yes, I trully do not think that we Humans are the only things that exist. We are not the only planet in this world, our little NASA agency hasn't been to all of these planets, and if there were once dinosaurs and we come from monkey's then why in the world cant there be aliens.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Planets

1. What is the primary gas in the Jovian atmospheres?
2. What is the primary gas in Mars and Venus?
Carbon Dioxide
3. If you had to visit one planet, which would it be? Why?
Give me a solid paragraph. (consider many factors such as location, temperature, atmosphere composition, and anything else you you feel is important)
I Would have to say one of the most livable plantes besides Earth would be Mercury. I only say this because it actually has oxygen.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Search For Aliens

So far scientists have actually searching for aliens as surprising as it may be. They monitor radio waves and even look for clues here on earth. It has said that there has been a little world found near an XL planet that is bit bigger then the earth and may support liqud water. Who knows... these could be the aliens everyone has always searched for???

The Moon

As we all know, the moon is our moon. It is the fifth largest satellite inside of out solar system. It is also the only place besides earth ever visited by humans. It is smaller then the earth and slo 4.6 billion years old. The moon is close to the earth and it has low gravitational forces.


Pluto is a dwarf planet. Actually one of the largest known dwarf plantes in the world. It orbits further from the sun then all of the other planets. It was discovered around th 1930.

Big Bang Theory

This the supposed theory of how the world should be. WHen the universe started it was just a big grain of sand. Then it just becamse bigger to what it is today. After that things just get more complicated and there are more questions to be answered.


Titan is the largest moons of Saturn. But also the second largest moon in our solar system. This moon is bigger then Mercury and Pluto.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tuning N For:Quarter Finale

1. Which blog was your best this quarter? Why?
I think that one of my best blogs was The Spring into Science blog involving the different type of pollen. Because it is very informing and it looks interesting.
2. What topic did you enjoy learning about the most (from chapter 17-20)?
Why? Include a picture.
I think Clouds because there were many different one and it is interesting. Then it is the one that sticks out the most in my mind.
3. What grade do you deserve for your 3rd Quarter Blogs? (Keep in mind some basic math. If you only did 3 out of 6 of them you cannot earn above a 50%.)
Well I have done all of my blogs. I finished all of my blogs. I would say one-hundred so I am still not to sure about the grade because my mind is hurting from a headache and Im tired science confuses me math annoys me and science and math just kills me. So I am dead now. Bye.

Wordle My Wordle

Wordle: Untitled

Friday, April 9, 2010

{Spring Into Science}

- These days in fayetteville the most thing affecting us when it comes to pollen would be the tree pollen. And that pollen giving out tree would be the Oak Tree.

- In order to have a perfect storm of pollen you would mos definiitely need trees blooming everywhere simultaneously, also the best dry and windy weather ever.

- - I chose this picture of pollen because it looks like this cereal I used to eat back when I was younger. This type of pollen is usually found in broken up fossils. Well this type of pollen usually clings to the surface of things. These are very complex and many different types of pollen families are made up out of this. They also contains over 3500 species all over the world. This type of pollen was usually around the jurassic era.

Friday, April 2, 2010

.:Do U Think What U State Matters.:

1. What are the five states of matter?

2. What is needed to change a gas into a plasma?
-You would need high energy
3. What is the temperature at "absolute zero?" (in Farenheit, Celsius, and Farenheit)
4. What is the temperature in space? (in Kelvin)
5. What do you think plasma would like look/smell/feel/taste? How about Bose-Einstein Condensates? Do some research on other sites, but ultimately come up with your own unique answer :)
- Like orange/ yellow electricity.
- Like tasteless soda.
- It would feel either relativly cool or very hot and dense.
- Taste like burning acid.
- Like liquid jell moving around.
- Like rubber.
- Like water but it wouldnt be wet.
- Like nothing.