Thursday, May 20, 2010


1. What was your favorite Geology topic this year? Why?
- My favorite Geology topic from this year would be earthquakes, and this is mostly because when I had to do my queations on the game this subject provided the most answers.
2. What was your favorite Meteorology topic this year? Why?
- The thing I liked most in Meterology was the fonts. Just because I thought that was easy to remember after I finally had a chance to match them up and get the questions about them right on my exam.
3. What was your favorite Astronomy topic this year? Why?
- What I liked about Astronomy was the little map where you could see where the stars went. That was helpful because I can remember the giants in the corner, the sun in the middle. And the dwarfs at the all the way bottom.
4. What grade do you think you earned on the Final Exam? What did you do to prepare? Is there anything that you wish you had done differently?
- I dont think I did to good on the final exam. To prepare I looked over the old test we had and study my crosswords. I meant to look on the computer to see which ones I got right but I never go to that. And then my friend let me see her study sheet then I was studying off of that then after my test I looked at the ones I had missed on the practice and I changed my right answers! OH BOY! Im getting a headache just thinking about the fact that I did that now. Then my friends study sheet even had the wrong answers and then... everything is just a HUGE mess. Science is my worst subject since 5th grade.

Friday, May 7, 2010

bang Bang BANG

1. What made the Big Bang "bang?" In other words, why didn't the universe just stay in a tiny little sphere the size of a golfball? More details = more points.
- I think because it had all of those gases mixing together. Eventually you would expect something to happen and not to stay the same. Thats just like mixing together a bunch of gases (highly flamable) and putting it inside of you gas tank. It explodes because... those things werent meant to be together. And definitely not for a very long time.
2. What do you think would happen if you went into a black hole? Scientists only know what happens until you get to the event horizon. Anything beyond that is really just an educated guess. More details = more points.
- For some strange reason I just think of it like going down a tornado. Like being in the middle of a tornado and you just get zapped in. Then you fall from the sky and Bang!!! Yout just in another world. It may be aliens, may be black-holers. You just never know until you free. You might need a gas mask, because Your be going to something like a parallel universe.
3. Tell me what you think about worm holes? When you pass through one, where do you go? WHEN do you go? More details = more points.
-Well of course when I picture a worm hole I think of dirt in the fround where worms leave holes. But every since I read the article about the worm holes I think I have a little bit of a different idea. Okay they are like these invisible holes that float around. Supposedly they can transform you to some other place. Every place besides the past, but they are a bit small. So its not like any one of us could just jump into a wormhole and go to the future. Scientists are still working on that.